They say diamonds are a woman’s best friend. But what do you do when you can’t afford to buy these expensive jewels? In this article I want to talk to you about Moissanite stones, an alternative to diamonds.
Moissanite was first discovered in 1893 by the French scientist Henri Moissan, who later won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. (hence the name Moissanite stone)
Natural Moissanite is so rare that it is not even found to be cut into a one carat stone. At the end of the 90s, the North American jewelry manufacturer Charles & Colvard discovered a method to manufacture colorless moissanites in the laboratory with a brilliance similar to that of natural diamonds. He patented this method and thus began to “write the history of moissanites in jewelry”, being one of the most sparkling stones in the world.
Like diamond, this stone is not only used in jewelry, but also in industrial and commercial applications due to its hardness, thermal conductivity and optical properties. If diamonds are too expensive, then moissanite stones are a useful alternative.
Here are some differences between moissanites and diamonds
– The brilliance of moissanites is different from that of diamonds.
Moissanites are more brilliant because they reflect amazing colors due to the double refraction in sunlight, while diamonds reflect light in 3 ways: brilliant cut – white tone, dispersion – rainbow refractions, and scintillations give that shine from the surface. (no birefringence)
– The hardness
Moissanites have a hardness between 9.25 and 9.5 Mohs, (being harder than a sapphire or ruby) and are the hardest stones, after diamond (diamond is the only stone with a hardness of 10 Mohs)
– Color
Moissanites are colorless but in certain lights they can reflect slight shades of yellow, green or gray. The diamond has a natural color that varies from white to slightly yellowish.
– Price
Moissanites are much cheaper than diamonds, but not as cheap as other alternatives to diamonds such as cubic zirconia.
Created in the laboratory, moissanites have a minimal impact on the environment, thus being an ethical choice.
Now that you know more about these stones, we invite you to take a look at our collection of silver jewelry with moissanite stones.
Let us be part of your story and choose to be unique and admired every day wearing our collection.